martes, 5 de abril de 2011

PK Phenomenon - Special Report Air Force 2004

This is chapter (5.1) from the Teleportation Physics Study (August 2004) Special Report for the Air Force.The original document is at FAS (Federation of American Scientists)

PK Phenomenon

P-Teleportation is a form of psychokinesis (or PK) similar to telekinesis but generally used to designate the movement of objects (called apports) through other physical objects or over great distances. Telekinesis is a form of PK, which describes the movement of stationary objects without the use of any known physical force. And PK is essentially the direct influence of mind on matter without any known intermediate physical energy or instrumentation. Rigorously controlled modern scientific laboratory PK, and related psychic (a.k.a. “psi”, “paranormal” or parapsychology), research has been performed and/or documented by Rhine (1970), Schmidt (1974), Mitchell (1974a, b, see also the references cited therein), Swann (1974), Puthoff and Targ (1974, 1975), Hasted et al. (1975), Targ and Puthoff (1977), Nash (1978, see also the references cited therein), Shigemi et al. (1978), Hasted (1979), Houck (1984a), Wolman et al. (1986, see also the references cited therein), Schmidt (1987), Alexander et al. (1990), Giroldini (1991), Gissurarson (1992), Radin (1997, see also the references cited therein), Tart et al. (2002), Shoup (2002), and Alexander (2003).

A well-known theoretical/experimental/operational program directed by H. E. Puthoff, R. Targ, E. May and I. Swann was conducted at SRI International and the NSA, and sponsored at various times by the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA), and the Army Intelligence and Security Command (INSCOM) over more than two decades; and the program was later carried on by E. May at SAIC (Alexander, 1980; Puthoff, 1996; Targ, 1996; Schnabel, 1997; Tart et al., (2002). This was called the Remote Viewing program, and it was a compartmentalized special access program possessing a variety of codenames during its 22 years of operation. Remote viewing involves precognition and clairvoyance, and it allows a practitioner to acquire information irrespective of intervening distance or time. The Remote Viewing program ended in 1994 and President W. J. Clinton officially declassified it in 1995. The reader should note that the very first U. S. military-intelligence R&D programs on psi, PK and mind control were conducted by H. K. (Andrija) Puharich, M.D., L.L.D during his military service at the Army Chemical and Biological Warfare Center at Fort Detrick, Maryland in the 1940s-50s. Puharich had an interest in clairvoyance and PK, and dabbled in theories for electronically and pharmaceutically enhancing and synthesizing psychic abilities. While in the Army, Puharich took part in a variety of parapsychology experiments, and he lectured Army, Air Force and Navy groups on possibilities for mind warfare. He was a recognized expert in hypnotism and microelectronics.

PK phenomenon was also explored in the Remote Viewing program. Col. J. B. Alexander (USA ret.) credits professional aerospace engineer Jack Houck for “capturing PK phenomenon and transitioning it into an observable form” (Houck, 1982, 1984a, b; Alexander et al., 1990; Alexander, 2003). During the past three decades, Houck (along with Alexander) held a number of PK sessions, whereby attendees are taught the PK induction process, and initiate their own PK events using various metal specimens (forks, spoons, etc.). Individuals were able to completely bend or contort their metal specimens with no physical force being applied whatsoever. Numerous government science advisors and senior military officials took part in and/or witnessed these events, which took place at the Pentagon, at officers’ or scientists’ homes, and at one quarterly INSCOM retreat attended by the commanding general and a group of colonels and generals commanding INSCOM units around the globe. Spontaneous deformation of the metal specimens was observed at the PK session conducted during the INSCOM retreat, causing a great deal of excitement among those present. Other notable trained observers were also present at this session, and they critically reviewed the events. Psychic Uri Geller (1975) is the original model for demonstrating PK metal bending. During a talk that he gave at the U.S. Capitol building, Uri caused a spoon to curve upward with no force applied, and then the spoon continued to bend after he put it back down and continued with his talk (Alexander, 1996). Jack Houck continues doing extensive experimental work and data collection on micro- and macro-PK phenomena. Scientifically controlled PK experiments at the Princeton University Engineering Anomalies Research Laboratory were conducted by Robert Jahn (Dean Emeritus of the School of Engineering), who reported that repeatedly consistent results in mentally affecting material substances has been demonstrated in the lab (Jahn and Dunne, 1987). In the 1980s, Jahn attended a meeting on the PK topic at the Naval Research Laboratory, and warned that foreign adversaries could exploit micro- or macro-PK to induce U.S. military fighter pilots to lose control of their aircraft and crash.

Very early investigations of, and experiments on, p-Teleportation occurred during the 19th and early 20th centuries. Many cases that were studied, and the experiments that were performed, were undoubtedly due to fraud, and few experiments have occurred under controlled conditions during that period. However, most of the credible, scientific reports of p-Teleportation phenomenon and related (controlled) experiments occurred in the late 20th century (see for example, Alexander et al., 1990; Radin, 1997). Some of that scientific work involved the investigation of Uri Geller and a variety of other recurrent spontaneous PK phenomena (Hasted et al., 1975; Puthoff and Targ, 1975; Targ and Puthoff, 1977; Nash, 1978; Wolman et al., 1986). Psychics Uri Geller (1975) and Ray Stanford (1974) claimed to have been teleported on several occasions. Most claimed instances of human teleportation of the body from one place to another have been unwitnessed. There are also a small number of credible reports of individuals who reported being teleported to/from UFOs during a UFO close encounter, which were scientifically investigated (Vallee, 1988, 1990, 1997). But there are a larger number of such reports that are anecdotal, whereby the witness data tends to be unreliable. However, we will confine our discussion to the controlled laboratory experiments that have been performed and reported.

One of the more interesting examples of controlled experiments with Uri Geller was one in which he was able to cause a part of a vanadium carbide crystal to vanish (Hasted et al., 1975). The crystal was encapsulated so it could not be touched, and it was placed in such a way that it could not be switched with another crystal by sleight of hand. A more spectacular series of rigorously controlled (and repeatable!) laboratory experiments occurred in the Peoples Republic of China (PRC). In September 1981, an extraordinary paper was published in the PRC in the journal Ziran Zazhi (transl.: Nature Journal), and this paper was entitled, “Some Experiments on the Transfer of Objects Performed by Unusual Abilities of the Human Body” (Shuhuang et al., 1981). The paper reported that gifted children were able to cause the apparent teleportation of small objects (radio micro-transmitters, photosensitive paper, mechanical watches, horseflies, other insects, etc.) from one location to another (that was meters away) without them ever touching the objects beforehand. The experiments were operated under exceptionally well-controlled conditions (both blind and double-blind). The researchers involved included not only observers from various PRC colleges and medical research institutes, but also representatives from the PRC National Defense Science Commission. Because of the involvement of the latter, it was deemed necessary that an unclassified Intelligence Information Report be prepared by the DIA (see Shuhuang et al., 1981), which included a detailed English translation of the article.

Additional research carried out by the Aerospace Medicine Engineering Institute in Beijing was reported in the July 1990 issue of the Chinese Journal of Somatic Science (Kongzhi et al., 1990; Jinggen et al., 1990; Banghui, 1990), which was also translated into English by the DIA. Reported in several articles are experiments involving the videotaping and high-speed photography of the transfer of test specimens (nuts, bundles of matches, pills, nails, thread, photosensitive paper, chemically treated paper, sponges dipped in FeCl3, etc.) through the walls of sealed paper envelopes, double layered KCNS type paper bags, sealed glass bottles and tubes with sealed caps, and sealed plastic film canisters without the walls of any of these containers being breached. All of the Chinese experiments reported using gifted children and young adults, who possessed well-known extraordinary PK ability, to cause the teleportation of the various test specimens. In all the experimental cases that were reported, the test specimens that were teleported were completely unaltered or unchanged from their initial state, even the insects were unaffected by being teleported. The experiments were well controlled, scientifically recorded, and the experimental results were always repeatable. The Chinese papers are all extremely interesting and very well written, and they show photographs and schematic diagrams of the various experimental setups. The experimental protocols were explained in lengthy detail, and thorough data and statistical analysis were presented in the results. The combined results from the several Chinese experiments showed that:

- different research groups designed different experimental protocols, used different gifted
psychics, used different sealed containers, and used different test specimens (live insects, bulk
inanimate objects, and even radio micro-transmitters were used to track the location of the
specimens) that were to be teleported;

- the time required for the teleportation of test specimens through various barriers was anywhere from a fraction of a second to several minutes, and this was not dependent on the test specimen that was used, the sealed container that was used (or its barrier thickness), which experimental protocol was used, or which psychic was being used

- the high-speed photography/videotaping recorded in one series of experiments that test specimens would physically “meld” or blend with the walls of sealed containers; and recorded in a different series of experiments that test specimens would simply disappear from inside the container only to reappear at another location (after seconds to several minutes of time transpired), such that the test specimen did not actually undergo total material disintegration/reintegration during teleportation – this data is important, because without the aid of electronic monitoring instruments, the average person’s sensory organs and usual methods of detection are temporarily unable to perceive the test specimen’s (ambiguous) existence during the teleportation process;

- the radio micro-transmitter used as a test specimen in one series of experiments (Shuhuang et al., 1981) transmitted a radio signal to several stationary electronic instruments/receivers, so that the specimen could be tracked and monitored (via signal amplitude and frequency measurements) during the teleportation process; the experimenters discovered that there was large fluctuations in the intensity (in both amplitude and frequency) of the monitored signal to the effect that it would either completely disappear or become extremely weak (to the extent that the monitoring instruments could scarcely detect it) – it was discovered that there was a definite correlation between the change in strength (i.e., radical frequency shifts were observed) of the monitored radio signal and the teleportation of the test specimen, such that the weak or absent signal indicated that the specimen was “nonexistent” (or in an altered physical state) during teleportation (note: the monitored signal amplitude and frequency of the micro-transmitter specimen were stable before and after teleportation);

- before and after “passing through the container wall/barrier”, the test specimen and the container’s wall/barrier are both complete solid objects;

- the gifted psychics were never allowed to see (they were blindfolded in many experiments) or touch each of the test specimens or the sealed containers before and after experiments were conducted, and only the experimenters touched the specimens and containers (using both blind and double-blind protocols);

- the experimental results were all repeatable

- the conditions for fraud and sleight of hand were totally eliminated, and multiple independent outside witnesses (technical and military-intelligence experts) were present at all times to ensure total fidelity of the experiments

The experimental radio micro-transmitter and high-speed photography / videotaping data offer an important clue on what the teleportation mechanism is, and this will be discussed further in Section 5.1.1. The Chinese were unable to offer any significant physics hypothesis that could explain their results. Some researchers stated that it is necessary to invoke a new physics, which somehow unifies the human consciousness (i.e., physics of consciousness) with quantum and spacetime physics, in order to understand p-Teleportation and related PK phenomena. The researchers were amazed by their repeated results, and were barely able to fathom the altered “state of being” that test specimens underwent during teleportation.

It is also important to point out that during the Cold War the DIA produced three (now declassified) reports on the parapsychology research of the Soviet Union and its Warsaw Pack allies (LaMothe, 1972; Maire and LaMothe, 1975; DIA Report, 1978; other  related studies were reported by Groller, 1986, 1987).  The purpose of the reports was to collate and summarize collected intelligence, describe in great detail, and assess the Soviet Union and Warsaw Pact R&D on parapsychology and paraphysics.  The reports outlined the history of pre-revolutionary (Czarist) Russian, and WWII and post-WWII era Soviet R&D on psychotronics, human mind/behavior control, and the entire spectrum of parapsychology.  The Soviet information also mentions the psychotronic/parapsychology R&D materials that Soviet military forces took from various Nazi research centers in and around Germany at the end of WWII.  The entire spectrum of parapsychology phenomena was explored by the Soviets, which resulted in the generation of a wealth of experimental data and related scientific research literature.  One DIA report noted that there was an East versus West science debate in the Soviet literature over whether paranormal phenomenon and related experimental data was real or even scientifically sound in comparison to western scientific practice and philosophy.  Another DIA report lists the names and affiliations of all the researchers, as well as the names of the various Soviet and Warsaw Pact research centers, that were involved.  Also, Pratt (1986) reviews and summarizes the history of Soviet psychotronics research.

The U.S. military-intelligence establishment was concerned with the possibility that the Soviets and their Warsaw Pact allies were conducting psychotronics and mind control R&D in order to discover how to exploit and control powerful phenomena that could be used against the U.S. and its allies.  LaMothe (1972) chronicled how the Soviets had been researching methods of influencing human behavior for over sixty years.  The Soviets and their allies extensively explored an influence technology that they called
“controlled offensive behavior”, which is defined as “research on human vulnerability as it applies to methods of influencing or altering human behavior” (LaMothe, 1972).   Also, LaMothe (1972) describes the revolutionary techniques the Soviets studied to influence human behavior, which included: sound, light, color, odors, sensory deprivation, sleep, electromagnetic fields, biochemicals, autosuggestion, hypnosis, and parapsychology phenomena (such as psychokinesis, telekinesis, extrasensory perception-
ESP, astral projection, clairvoyance, precognition, and dream state, etc.).  The LaMothe (1972) report became an aid in the development of countermeasures for the protection of U.S. and/or allied personnel. Psychotronics is the general term that was used in the former Soviet Union/Warsaw Pact countries to categorize many psychic phenomena undergoing scientific research.  The conclusions that were reached in the DIA reports are that within the category of psychotronics, the Soviets identified two discrete skills
(LaMothe, 1972):

-  bioenergetics: those phenomena associated with the production of objectively detectable effects such as psychokinesis, telekinesis, levitation effects, transformations of energy, i.e. the altering or affecting of matter

-  bioinformation: those phenomena associated with the obtaining of information through means other than the normal sensory channels (i.e., ESP), such as telepathy, precognition, and clairvoyance, i.e., using the mind to tap into the thoughts of others or to acquire present or future information about objective events in the world

These phenomena involve using the mind and/or some  “field” of the body to affect other minds and inanimate objects irrespective of intervening distance or elapsed time, and without engaging any conventional tools.  Bioenergetics and bioinformation are two classifications that form a single branch of science the Soviets preferred to call biocommunications.  Soviet biocommunications research is primarily concerned with exploring the existence of a definite group of natural phenomena controlled by laws that
are not based on any known (energetic) influence.  The types of biocommunication (a.k.a. psychotronics) phenomena includes special sensory biophysical activities, brain and mind control, telepathic communications or bioinformation transceiving, bioluminescent and bioenergetic emissions, and the effects of altered states of consciousness on the  human psyche.  Psychotronics and remote viewing provide capabilities that have obvious intelligence applications.  The Soviets and their Warsaw Pact allies invested millions of dollars in psychotronics R&D because they understood this, and saw the potential payoff for military and intelligence applications.

The U.S. response to Soviet psychotronics R&D  programs was the Remote Viewing program.  In addition, the U.S. Army began the JEDI Project in 1983, which sought to increase human potential using teachable models of behavioral/physical excellent by unconventional means (Alexander et al., 1990).  The JEDI Project was essentially a human-performance modeling experiment based on neuro-linguistic programming (NLP) skills, whereby advanced influence technologies to model excellence in human performance was used.  The program ran under  the auspices of the Army INSCOM and the Organizational Effectiveness School, and was sponsored by a U.S. government interagency task force. 
Finally, it should be pointed out that the program had successfully trained several hundred people, including members of Congress (such as Al Gore, Jr. and Tom Downey), before being terminated.

There is a wealth of factual scientific research data from around the world attesting to the physical reality of p-Teleportation and related anomalous psi phenomena (Mitchell, 1974b; Targ and Puthoff, 1977; Nash, 1978; Radin, 1997; Tart et al., 2002).  The skeptical reader should not be so quick to dismiss the subject matter in this chapter, because one must remain open-minded about this subject and consider p-Teleportation as worthy of further scientific exploration.  The psychotronics topic is controversial within the western scientific community.  The debate among scientists and scientific philosophers is highly charged at times, and becomes acrimonious to the point where reputable skeptical scientists cease being impartial by refusing to examine the experimental data or theories, and they prefer to bypass rational discourse by engaging in ad hominem attacks and irrational “armchair” arguments.

P-Teleportation and related phenomena are truly anomalous, and they challenge accepted modern scientific paradigm.  Lightman and Gingerich (1991) wrote, “Scientists are reluctant to change paradigms or the purely psychological reasons that the familiar is often more comfortable than the unfamiliar and that inconsistencies in belief are uncomfortable.”  And theories change over time when anomalies enter the picture.  Anomalies are particularly helpful for  they point to the inadequacies of an old model and
point the way to a new one.  Anomalous scientific facts are unexpected and difficult to explain within an existing conceptual framework.  Kuhn (1970) describes scientific discovery as a complex process, in which an anomalous fact of nature is recognized, and then followed by a change in conceptual framework (i.e., paradigm) that makes the new fact no longer an anomaly.  Kuhn stated that, “Discovery commences with the awareness of anomaly, that is, with the recognition that nature has somehow violated the pre-
induced expectations that govern normal science.”   This statement neatly describes exactly what transpired during the historical revolution that took place in physics between the classical mechanics/electrodynamics age in the 19th century and the quantum/atomic/nuclear/relativistic age in the 20th century.  And this isn’t the only time in human history that scientific paradigms have dramatically changed.  The discovery of p-Teleportation already commenced in the 20th  century, so let us continue the discovery and create a new physics paradigm for the 21st century.

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